
Boat Ramps - Maine's Mid Coast

Penobscot River (Frankfort)

South Main Street Frankfort, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of Frankfort. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Meduncook River

Wadsworth Point Road Friendship, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of Vinalhaven. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Back River (Boothbay)

Barters Island Road Boothbay, ME Phone:

Trailer ramp. No restroom. Managed by Town of Boothbay. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Northern Bay

Bridges Point Road South Penobscot, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of Penobscot. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Kennebec River (Phippsburg)

Fiddlers Reach Road Phippsburg, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. Restroom available. Managed by Department of Conservation. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Buttermilk Cove

Off Bull Rock Road West Bath, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Department of Conservation. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Searsport Harbor

Norris Street Searsport, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of Searsport. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Kennebec River (Bath)

Marshall Street Bath, ME Phone:

Landing facility only; no launching facilities. Restroom available. Managed by Town of Bath. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Penobscot River (Stockton Springs)

Cape Jellison Road Stockton Springs, ME Phone:

Landing facility only; no launching facilities. No restroom. Managed by Department of Conservation. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site - New Harbor, ME - Photo Credit ME Bureau of Parks & Lands
Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site (Fort William Henry)

2 Colonial Pemaquid Drive New Harbor, ME, 04554 Phone: 207-677-2423

This historic site from the early 1700s has much to enjoy, including an ancient fort, a museum and gift shop, and interpretive programs about Native people and colonial settlers. Located on the Pemaquie River, there is a beach, and visitors may go paddling, motor boating, fishing and sea kayaking. There is a trailered boat launch.
Back River

Ferry Road Westport Island, ME Phone:

Trailer ramp. No restroom. Managed by Town of Westport Island. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Androscoggin River Boat Ramp - Brunswick, ME - Photo Credit James Hinchey
Androscoggin River

Water Street Brunswick, ME, 04011 Phone: 207-287-4952

Ramp is at the very end of Water St. near Merrymeeting Dog Park and the railroad bridge. Trailer ramp. No restroom. Managed by Town of Brunswick. For information contact the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands.
Port Clyde Harbor

Port Clyde Road Tenants Harbor, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of St. George. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Rockport Harbor

High Street Rockport, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of Rockland. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Pemaquid River

Murray Hill Road and North School Street East Boothbay, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Department of Conservation. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Belfast Bay

Miller Street Belfast Bay, ME Phone:

Trailer ramp. No restroom. Managed by Town of Belfast. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Kennebec River

Washington Street Bath, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. Managed by Town of Bath. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Damariscotta River

Main Street / Route 1 Damariscotta, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. No restroom. Managed by Town of Damariscotta. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Rockland Harbor

Park Street at Main Street Rockland, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. Managed by Town of Rockland. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Camden Harbor / Eaton Point

Atlantic Avenue Camden, ME Phone:

Trailer parking. Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.
Seal Cove

Seal Cove Drive West Bath, ME Phone:

Information: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, 207-287-4952.