
Maine Highlands welcome canoeing, kayaking, and paddling

allagash wilderness waterway in Maine
Allagash Wilderness Waterway

This preserve has 92 miles of lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers that cut a swathe through Maine's northern forestland. This park is the most remote in the state, and is available for those who truly wish to "rough it." Swimming, boating, fishing, and canoeing are all part of the experience. This is also a popular seasonal hunting area. Hiking trails lead to fire towers throughout the Allagash. It is important to note that there is no public transportation, nor are there any permanent residents in the park. Any visitors who plan to camp or travel through the park will be relatively isolated, and should be experienced in dealing with a primitive outdoor environment.
Paddling - Baxter State Park - Millinocket, ME - Photo Credit Jeffrey Arsenault
Baxter State Park

64 Balsam Drive Millinocket, ME, 04462 Phone: 207-723-5140

Launch your canoe, kayak, or boat into park waters, including the grand Matagamon, Webster, Wassataquiok and Katahdin Lakes. For a dollar an hour, rent a canoe or kayak.
Eastern Branch of the Penobscot River

Along Route 11 Medway, ME Phone:

Fishermen will enjoy this river with its supply of Atlantic Salmon and large mouth bass. The scenery along the river makes it a great canoeing spot.