
Northern Maine is served by excellent roads

Driving Routes to Aroostook Region

Almost the entire western part of the region has no state or federal highway. This region is the most remote in New England; few services will be available between eastern Aroostook and Quebec.

I-95 reaches its northern tip on the Canadian border at Houlton. Other Aroostook locations along I-95 are Smyrna, Oakfield, Golden Ridge, Island Falls, and Molunkus.

From Canada, take U.S. 1 south from Fort Kent on Route 11.

Use Route 1 to reach Littleton, Monticello, Mars Hill, Presque Isle, Fort Fairfield, Caribou, Van Buren, Madawaska and Fort Kent.

Use Route 11 to reach Ashland, Portage, Winterville, Eagle Lake and Fort Kent.

The Allagash Waterway is reached via private roads that are open to the public. No major road goes west of Allagash, on Route 161.
Driving Routes to Augusta Kennebec Moose River Valleys


The Kennebec/Moose River Valley is a long, narrow region that borders I-95 on its south end and Quebec on the north. Route 201 bisects the region vertically, traveling north from I-95 to the Canadian border.

Travelers coming from both the north and south should take I-95, except those coming down from Quebec, who can reach the area directly by taking 201 traveling due south.

I-95 runs along the southern end of the region, and takes travelers through the towns of Gardiner, Hallowell, Waterville, Pittsfield, Clinton, as well as the state capital, Augusta.

Route 201 also runs through Augusta, and then heads north, passing through or near Norridgwock, Skowhegan, Bingham, Caratunk, the Forks, Moose River and Jackman.

Driving Routes to Maine Highlands

Kahtadin Moosehead is accessible via I-95. Visitors from north and south should begin with the I-95. It passes near Lincoln, Mattawamkeag and Millinocket, and through Medway. It runs only through the southeastern corner of the region.

Maine Routes 11 and 6 will goes through the southwestern part of the region, and to Milo, Dover-Foxcroft and up towards Greenville (on Route 6 and 15).

Local roads lead further north, up to Baxter State Park and the whitewater areas near Ripogenus Dam.

Route 11 northward from Millinocket and Medway will take travelers up to Sherman, Patten and Hersey.

From Patten, Route 159 heads north to Shin Pond.